+ 233 (0) 207 335 956 / +233 (0) 274 614 806 reginaldodoi0926@gmail.com/ reginald@tgslf.com

TGSLF Love Outreach 2019 at Obokor Village in Ghana

The Good Shepherd Love Foundation’s leadership team and members visited the Obokor Village in the Central Region of Ghana to share love with the constituents of the village, both young and old.

This humbling outreach dubbed the “Love Outreach 2019” took place at the Obokor Village near Mankessim in the Central Region of Ghana on the 23rd of December, 2019.



It has been the tradition of the foundation, as part of its yearly activities, to embark on a philanthropic outreach in December where it visits less privileged persons and communities to show them love, care and support.



The team led by Reginald Nii Odoi, Alfred Nimoh and Rhoda Enyonam Oklu – Aham met with the leadership of the village after which the team proceeded  to distribute 3000 exercise books to the children of the village.



The team also distributed pens, pencils, sharpeners, erasers, food and drinks as well as a monetary donation to the villagers especially the children.



The team above all spent valuable time with the children and people of the Village.


The leadership of the Village expressed their heartfelt appreciation to the Good Shepherd Love Foundation for the thought of even sharing their items and donations as well as spending time with the people of the village.



The leadership of the village took the team on a short tour of the village as well as expressed the various challenges that the village faced day in day out.



They pleaded for support from well-meaning persons in society, civil society organizations and even government agencies.



It was indeed a wonderful experience and we look forward to greater outreaches in 2020!


The Good Shepherd Love Foundation Media Team, 2020.

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