The Good Shepherd Love Foundation embarks on regular outreaches to villages, towns,communities,schools, prisons, hospitals and such other areas.
The Good Shepherd Love Foundation provides funding for many young and brilliant students who are not able to further their studies due to financial challenges.
The Good Shepherd Love Foundation provides counselling and mentorship avenues for many people who require it
Become a part of our family. Together, we
can save many lives and stop this hunger.
I have really been empowered by the Academic Excellence Empowerment Summit organized by the Good Shepherd
Foundation and I am ready to excel in order to make a change in my society.
The Good Shepherd Love Foundation supported me in order to start my maize farming project by providing me start-
up capital. I would forever remain indebted to this great organization.
I have benefited from the counseling and mentorship activities of the Foundation. I am now a better person, less depressed
and more focused to confront life and its challenges. I am grateful.
I have learnt a trade through Good Shepherd Foundation. I now am a bead-maker. i cannot hide my joy