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The alleged failure by the Supreme Court to lay down in Re Akoto the criteria for the protection of human rights and its interpretation under the Constitution as well as the arguments of J.B. Danquah did not fall on deaf ears. It was for this reason that Nana Dr. S.K.B. Asante, said;

“Although Danquah’s submission did not prevail in the Re Akoto case, they subsequently became the cornerstone of the juristic edifice which was erected after his death for the protection of human rights. All Constitutions promulgated after 1966 have faithfully incorporated Danquah’s arguments in the [Re Akoto Case].” 2 The above led to the following result that in Ghana since the 1960 Constitutions, all subsequent constitutions till date made sufficient provision for the protection of the fundamental human rights. The right to property has been no exception.


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